The United Project highlights the urgency for leader-driven mental ill-health prevention strategies
The United Project Foundation was recently welcomed at Government House Melbourne by Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC in the lead-up to World Mental Health Day.
Co-founder & Chair Greg Muller encouraged over 80 leaders to unite with The United Project to deliver meaningful and long-lasting change.
His speech brought attention to some alarming statistics around the prevalence of mental ill-health. Greg spoke of the legal and moral duty of organisations to maintain psychologically healthy work environments as well as the benefits of this for businesses.
He also shared the fascinating inspirational backstory behind the creation of the United Project’s “canary” logo with guests – the tale of the canary in the coalmine - and the role it plays, reinforcing the importance of early detection programs.
Guests were encouraged to demonstrate their commitment to psychologically safe workplaces by signing their name on a “canary” wall and drawing their own version of the all-important canary – a fun and fitting end to an enlightening evening for all.
We are grateful to Her Excellency for her leadership in raising awareness and supporting The United Project Foundation's mission.
Please take a few minutes to listen to Mr Greg Muller, Chair of The United Project Foundation, who addressed the congregation.
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To find out more about The United Project's programs, contact Greg or Matine at The United Project via